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About Us and How to Contact


We first met in 4th grade in 19___ (Peggy doesn't remember but Judy recalls being new at the school, very shy - who would believe that now?).  Peggy befriended her.  Peggy's idea of helping Judy not feel so alone was inviting her to watch Peggy read about and draw pictures of horses.  


Flash forward to 20_____.  Finding out that we lived within 10 miles of each other, both psychotherapists and now with similar interests in the interface of psychology and neuroscience our friendship was rekindled.


In retirement we collaborate on sharing the knowledge, tools and techniques we used during our combined 60+ years of seeing clients and  current scientific research on neuroscience and biology.


Luckily, our collaboration has been largely without drama.  Peggy takes the helm with drawing the wild and whimsical pictures that keep us amused and smiling and Judy edits the posts chosen for publication.  On occasion Peggy takes issue with content and Judy gets picky about the graphics.  Luckily, they are both too old and too experienced to not take much personally.




Peggy, in my own words:


I was a psychotherapist and later director of a partial hospitalization program in a major metropolitan hospital in California.  I helped people with severe mental illness manage their symptoms, moods and life. I also developed courses and taught aging and anorexia for psychotherapists.  I began doing telephone therapy before it was popular, to help people who were afraid of leaving their home.


I have written and illustrated of a children's book, which is a true story about Maui, my cat, who “rewired” his brain to regain use of his paralyzed back legs: "The Pulling, Climbing, Falling Down Tale of Maui and His Back Legs".


I have been an avid reader and artist all my life, since retiring, I like to write and illustrate books and blogs. I also hike, fly fish, garden and travel. Mau's story was the inspiration for  MAXyourMIND, a blog by me and Judy.



Judy, in my own words:


I was a psychotherapist in private practice in Southern California for 30 years.  

As an instructor with The Academy for Guided Imagery I taught healthcare professionals how to use Interactive Guided Imagery(sm) for health & wellness.


 Peggy and I share wellness information, on MAXyourMIND and all things "curious" on CURIOUStotheMAX.  To amuse herself she spends the rest of her time doting on Gracie, her dog, writing, painting, drawing and sleeping in.


Retirement was not planned but my diagnosis in 1995 of fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue (just like COVID Long-haul) finally caught up to me.  During those many years my personal health struggle was eye-opening.   Hopefully my first hand experience  helped others with chronic conditions by facilitating Therapeutic Creative Expression workshops and being a keynote speaker at several national Fibromyalgia conferences.


Don't get me wrong, I was grateful to received certificates of appreciation from the National Fibromyalgia Association for being one of 35 people in the United States in both 2006 & 2007 as a “Leader Against Pain”.   However, I often would have preferred certificates of good health. 


Retirement has given me the time (if not the energy) to pursue my lifelong love of all things creative.  I published a children's book The Real Tale of Little Red Riding Hood & the Wolf and take art classes.  


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© 2023 by Peggy Arndt

and Judith Westerfield

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