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Grab Bag Gratitude

Don’t like to write?
Want to move past the usual and OBVIOUS things you are grateful for . . . and
Find ways to expand your imagination?
Grab Bag Gratitude is for you.

• Scissors
• Magazines, advertisements - anything that has images
• Glue
• Journal book or paper
• Your Imagination

Preparation How To:
Cut out images, removing the background so only one image is left
Cut apart images to use parts if you want
It doesn’t matter what the image is, whether it appeals or makes sense to you or not







Put images in a container – bag, box, basket etc.







When you have a pile of images you are ready to be grateful for things you might never have thought of:
1. Close your eyes and pick an image
2. Paste image in journal or piece of paper
3. Imagine - Anything the image might represent that you can, could be or used to be grateful for.

Examples for above images:

  • Chair: Furniture to sit on, time to relax . . 

  • Back of chair: 4 slates representing four places I’ve visited, someone I can lean on . . .

  •  2 bushes: Connection to a cherished friend. A new connection that is growing . . .

  • Mountain: Person who has been my “rock”, a time of life I’ve conquered or climbed . . .

  • Eyes:  Ability to "see" the truth,  20/20 vision . . .

  • Hair:  Not bald â€‹

• Put a date next to image, if you want.
• I labeled the images and outlined them with marker to make it “pretty”
• Some days I pick more than one image.
• When my imagination does not conjure up any association to the image I paste the image on the page anyway. Days later something usually comes to mind, even if it is a “stretch” or not obvious to anyone but me.


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