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  1. Pre-pre Launch:  Build anticipation with existing subscribers:  We've got this idea to put our Happy Hacks into a video.  They aren't a secret but most people don't use them, remember them . . . It works really well.  Before we create the videos we want to make sure we cover it in the way it makes sense.  Help us out and tell us . . . .

  2. PreLaunch - 3 pieces of high-value content (period of 5-12 days (video/emails PDF's). Product pitch - either gives more pleasure or reduces pain.  Tell them the story and offer "transformation"

  3. Open Cart - We're open, you can finally buy now (24 hours to 7 days)

  4. Post-Launch - follow up and set up for next launch)


How to Communicate:  STORIES - 

Mental triggers:  scarcity, authority figure, community (combine and layer them)

Product pitch - either gives more pleasure or reduces pain.  Tell them the story and offer "transformation


E-mail list is THE strategy and must build RELATIONSHIPS so people think they know you.

opt-in form on site

use social media to build list

send content based freebies or bonuses to those who answer or buy

list building blueprint

give thank-you, something of value (freebie) if they subscribe


People's mental triggers:

  1. AUTHORITY (we are psychotherapists)

  2. RECIPROCITY (let people help you create the product - name it, choose the image.  give something for free there's a sense of needing to give back)

  3. TRUST (Build it through time.  Deliver VALUE))

  4. ANTICIPATION (related to scarcity -  triggers of a sign-up/buy date)

  5. LIKABILITY (do likable things)

  6. EVENTS & RITUAL (turn your marketing into an event)

  7. COMMUNITY (Facebook groups etc)

  8. SCARCITY ( or perception thereof)

  9. SOCIAL PROOF (see others taking action)


Chapter 8

Launch is "open cart day"-open shopping cart & start taking orders

(Product pitch - either gives more pleasure or reduces pain.  Tell them the story and offer "transformation)

Short e-mail with links to sign-up/buy.  

P.S. is the most read.  Use P.S.  for scarcity. "We don't expect to sell out immediately.  However if you want one of the spots , please don't delay because they will go fast"

Keep cart open 5-7 days

Send e-mail out on Last day to create scarcity:  1.  The price goes up.   2. Bonus offer is removed.  3. Offer goes away.


Post Launch:  follow-up e-mails send out bonus as thank-you.  Something extra


Chapter 9 - SEED launch - Don't have offering yet but use for learning or knowledge not a material product

Not enough people signing up - invite friends & colleagues for free to pad it

ask what do they need to know, unanswered questions, what wasn't clear

Audio/video record everything and have it transcribed.  This can be turned into a book or material for the next offer

Chapter 10 - The Joint Venture Launch.  Reciprocity with others to announce on their sites


Chapter 11 - Live video launches vs e-mail launches

deliver content but turn it into a "show".  Even if there are NO viewers it gives you practice

Replays for those who didn't attend-give them full control to forward, speed up etc


Chapter 12 - Social Media (E-mail is safest since you "own" it.  Social Media changes constantly)

Know the hopes, dreams, fears & frustration of your target audience

Create products that people want to buy not what you want to sell.

Publish content regularly and get feedback

pre launch-not sales pitch just share your journey (talk about challenges trials and tribulations excitement of creating something new).  People like feeling they are connected

leverage facebook groups - live broadcast directly on facebook


Chapter 13- paid traffic short cut to bigger audience

chapter 14 - Creating from scratch

Do 3-4 live free webinars where you give away most of your information.  Offer a paid for extra bonuses and content people can buy

Sell e-books


15 times easier to sell to someone a second time than a new person.


Chapter 15 - Creating a business you love

Identify the people you want to target that you like/admire etc.  You don't have to start with a big mailing list.  Start with people who already know you.















© 2023 by Peggy Arndt

and Judith Westerfield

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